Our Mission

At "Residents 4 Arkansas" our mission is to help improve the rural and metropolitan communities of Arkansas by working with individuals in neighborhoods to solve their problems. Our primary goal is to give residents a loud voice by assessing the needs of individuals and families young and old alike, thus giving them the tools to work for REAL improvement!

Proud Member of the West Memphis Chamber of Commerce

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Child Hunger in Arkansas

From your friends at www.residents4arkansas.com

Let's talk about a very important issue affecting the lives of many Northeast Arkansas families today and what YOU can do to help. Did you know that according to www.feedingamerica.org that Arkansas ranks 1st among Children suffering from a lack of food. Here are a few stats which we at "Residents 4 Arkansas" have taken the time to verify. We find this problem to be most appalling; considering that Arkansas ranks near the top of states (in the amount of crops annually harvested…# 1 in the production of rice.)

20% or more of the child population in 16 states and D.C. are living in food insecure households. The states of Arkansas (24.4 percent) and Texas (24.3 percent) have the highest rates of children in households without consistent access to food. (Cook, John, Child Food Insecurity in the United States: 2006-2008. Iii
The top five states with the highest rate of food insecure children under 18 are Arkansas, Texas, Arizona, Missouri, Mississippi, as well as the District of Columbia. Emergency food assistance plays a vital role in the lives of low-income families. In 2002, more than half of the nonelderly families that accessed a food pantry at least once during the year had children under the age of 18

We ask that before you lay down to sleep or perhaps at some point during this 2010 Christmas season you look inside of your own kitchen closet, or maybe the pantry and set aside a few cans and help us help those Arkansas residents who need it the most. This is but ONE step of many which will lead to the creation of a better and safer Arkansas for all those whom we love and hold dear. We have taken the liberty of providing for you the address of your LOCAL food bank in three major areas listed below. Of course there are countless other ways to help which include; Local Churches, and various other Non Profit Organizations as well.

Arkansas Food Bank Network

Web Site: www.arkansasfoodbank.org/
8121 Distribution Drive
Little Rock, AR 72209
Phone: 501.565.8121
Fax: 501.565.0180
Executive Director: Phyllis Haynes

Food Bank of Northeast Arkansas 3406 S. Culberhouse
Jonesboro, AR 72404
Phone: 870.932.3663
Fax: 870.933.6639
Executive Director: Christie Jordan


Marked Tree Area Food Bank
109 Liberty St
Marked Tree, AR 72365
(870) 358-2211

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